vascular surgery

Dr. Waelbers Valerie

Doctor Waelbers Valerie graduated as a doctor from KULeuven in 2011 and specialized as a general surgeon in 2017. Meanwhile, she gained experience at the Hospital Oost-Limburg in Genk, the Jessa Hospital in Hasselt, the Imelda Hospital in Bonheiden and the UZ Leuven.She obtained her certificate of special competence in vascular surgery in 2019, following a two-year fellowship at UZ Leuven under the direction of Prof. Dr. Fourneau. In May 2019, she passed the European vascular surgery exam and has since become a Fellow of the European Board of Vascular Surgery (FEBVS). Since Sept. 1, 2019, she has been working as a vascular surgeon at AZ Monica Hospital in Deurne, where she focuses on classic open vascular surgery, endovascular treatments and phlebology.

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